Webdesign by Black Hawk Designs © 2004
- Updated 05-08-02 -

- Copyright © Wolf song by Joseph Fire Crow-

-Music is used with permission from Makoche records -

This site is best viewed at screen resolution 1024 x 768

The Native people of America have such rich cultures and traditions that are sacred, special
and a gift to the world. I have a great respect for the Native culture and traditions. This history site,
which I dedicate to all the Native Nations, is my way to preserve the memory of a great and
proud people and their ancestors.

Mitakuye Oyasin
(We are all related)

The research and writing on this site took me a long time to make and any grammar/spelling error
that you might find is because the english language is not my own native language.
I really hope that despite all this, you will enjoy your visit to my history site.

Best wishes
Dan (standingbear)

Graphics, photos and music may NOT be taken from this site without written permission
Due to website traffic & storage limitations it may take the music stream on some pages a minute or two
to buffer and begin playing especially on slower modem connections.

Most of the graphics and music on this site are used by permission but some things has been
sent to me by friends and some images I´ve found on the net. If you find anything on this site that
belongs to you please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due or remove it from this site